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The 63th Mignon Exhibition
12.5 Thu. − 25 Wed.
10:30-18:30 会期中無休 ※土曜・日曜は11:00 -18:00
Open every day during the exhibition
11:00-18:00 Saturdays and Sundays
10:30-17:00 Last day
歳末恒例の「ミニヨン展」。 国内外の物故巨匠から期 待の新人作家まで、4号(長辺33.4cm)以下の珠玉の 小品を約400点、壁いっぱいに華やかに飾ります。 あなただけの宝物を探しにいらっしゃいませんか?
Our annual year-end event, the Mignon Exhibition. The gallery space will be extravagantly decorated from wall to wall with four hundred small works, each with a maximum dimension of 33.4 cm in length or width. The lineup will range from pieces by old masters to those by emerging artists. Why not come search for your own personal treasure?
三岸節子 《花》 油彩 33.6×24.5cm
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