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岡本東子個展 瞑色の夜にうまれ
Okamoto Toko Solo Exhibition Born in the dark blue night
12.6 Fri. − 14 Sat.
10:00-18:00 会期中無休
Open every day during the exhibition
瞑色に染まる静寂。 この夜には何がうま れて消え ていくのだろう。 真冬の夜にうまれた私は、薄闇の 色に強く惹かれる。 私の描きたい、言葉で言い表せ ない何かはこの夜にあるのかもしれない。(作家)
Stillness colored by twilight. What life will be born and disappear on this night? As someone born on a midwinter evening, I have a strong affinity for the faint colors seen at dusk. Perhaps there is something on this night, inexpressible in words, that I will want to paint.
岡本東子 《夢幻泡影》 2024年 紙本着色 8F
open everyday during the period
Modern Art
Contemporary Art
English Ok
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