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An exhibition by Takahiro Kondo
11.22 Fri. − 12.28 Sat.
12:00-18:00 日曜・月曜・祝日休廊
Closed on Sundays, Mondays and Holidays
1958年京都府生まれ。 火、水、風、土、という「四大元 素」の思想に基づき、「土を媒介とし、火から水を創造 する」という発想で生み出された、オリジナル技法「銀 滴彩」シリーズ等を制作。本展では白磁の新作を発表。
Born in Kyoto in 1958, Kondo creates works such as his gintekisai (silver mist) series, which is based on the con cept of the four elements—Fire, water, wind, and earth— and employs an original production method in which he “uses earth as a vessel to create water from fire.” This exhi bition will feature his new white porcelain works.

近藤高弘 《白磁大壷》 2024年 磁器・登り窯 H50×W52cm ※参考画像

Tokyo Gallery+BTAP
〒104-0061 東京都中央区銀座8-10-5 第4秀和ビル7F
tel:03-3571-1808  mail:
Daiyon Shuwa Bldg.7F, 8-10-5 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 104-0061, Japan  web:

Modern Art

Contemporary Art

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